By Jessica Oata Port Moresby: A contract agreement on the Church Partnership Program (CPP)
between Caritas PNG and Managing Contractor DT Global took place at the Catholic
Bishops Conference on Thu February 2, 2023.
Present at the contract agreement signing were representatives from the Australian
Government’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), DT Global
representatives engaged on the Building Community Engagement Program (BCEP),
Caritas Australia, Caritas Papua New Guinea (CPNG) and staff of the Catholic
Bishops Conference.
Speaking during the signing of the contract agreement, CPNG National Director Ms
Mavis Tito thanked Caritas Australia for managing the CPP Phases 1-3 on behalf of
the Catholic Church in PNG, as well as the initial stages of the transition process.
“It was a mammoth task - we looked at the list of the due diligence checks and
thought it was impossible, but here we are, at the signing of the agreement. This is
testament to all the hard work put in by individuals, in various capacities, on all
sides.”, she said.
Ms Tito thanked the people and Government of Australia through DFAT for
entrusting them with the funds and assured those present that as the custodian,
CPNG will aim to manage it well with utmost care and diligence.
Second Secretary for DFAT Mr. Joseph Manteit congratulated CPNG and the
Catholic Church for being the direct recipient of the CPP funds.
He also commended CPNG for being a model organization for doing commendable
work using DFAT funds to assist people in the communities.
DT Global and BCEP representative through the team leader Ms Doreen Iga,
described the signing of the contract agreement as a milestone because localization
of grants and funding has been a long-term ambition.
“The Catholic Church has paved the way for all the other CPP partners by embracing
the opportunity to manage the funds directly and it demonstrates that localization is
possible to other partners”, she said.
Acting Country Director for Caritas Australia Roslyn Kuniata congratulated the CPNG
team on this milestone achievement after 18 years.
“The journey was long and very challenging, but this occasion proves that the CPP
can be localized and Papua New Guineans have the capacity to manage DFAT
Under the Phase 4 of the CPP, $2.7 million AUD will be given to CPNG to implement
development activities over the next three years.
The Church Partnership Program is a partnership for development led by the seven
mainline churches in PNG and their Australian Church Non-Government
Organization counterparts, with additional leadership and input from the Government
of Papua New Guinea, the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs, civil society,
private sector and other development partners.