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Journos, Media Attend SARV Meet

Updated: Feb 14, 2023

By staff of Post Courier (originally published on December 7, 2022). Journalists and other media personnel attending a Sorcery Related Accusation Violence (SARV) meeting last week in Port Moresby were reminded to continue reporting and hold to account public office controlling funds for sorcery programs.

The 15 spotlight guests from Caritas PNG, Reilly Kanaman told participants attending the media networking and learning that Caritas PNG, a faith based organisation, have been addressing the SARV issue since 2016 and there are lot of loopholes that the government continues to neglect or puts little attention when it comes to helping survivors, safe houses, referral pathways, counsel services, justice system and funding on awareness programs.

“Media plays a vital role in the country and journalists must ask questions to those responsible people about monies they get to be used for sorcery work,” he said.

“Only Enga and Southern Highlands have their provincial police commanders’ effective response whenever a case is reported and we have seen many perpetrators walking freely which gives them more advantage to attack women and girls whenever they believe sorcery practice is involved.”

Mr Kanamon said public office must be questioned on their budget plans, programs and where those monies are used.

“For many years only civil societies, churches and international missions have been in the forefront of addressing sorcery and gender-based violence issues.”

He said there are a lot of unreported cases in parts of the country, unlike Enga which has been in the spotlight with Caritas PNG Program co-ordinator Dickson Tanda, in the forefront and addressing the issue with media.

He thanked the Post-Courier for their weekly Special Report on SARV every Wednesday which had given the opportunity and platform to report more on the issue.

The media networking and learning was hosted by the ABCID MDI as part of its support to a more professional, free and diverse PNG media that serves the public interest and supports democratic processes.

The 20 Days of Human Rights Activism Campaign 2022 theme from safe homes to a safer PNG – Unite for Peace and Human Rights runs from November 20 to December 10, 2022.

The networking also gives opportunity for media to network and connect with practitioners from the civil society sector.

The MDI is managed by the ABC International Development and funded through the PNG-Australia Partnership. Click here to check out the original article.

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